At the helm of a leading health and wellness company, I have spent many years training people on naturopathic health care and nutrition. In the process of studying, developing, practicing and teaching the principles of holistic and naturopathic health care, I have worked hard to extract precious knowledge from the best health authorities in the world and merged it with my knowledge of naturopathy as a philosophy whereby the body has the power to heal itself. I have come to realize that health is life itself and that we must do all we can to take charge of our health through a healthy lifestyle.

My passion in holistic health care and naturopathy lies in the central belief that nature has a healing power and that the human body has the power to maintain or return to a state of balance and health, and to heal itself even in the face of the most serious illnesses.

I thought it would be interesting to share these insights more widely through my own website in the hope of getting more people thinking and learning about the issues that affect their health. Cheers to a life of good health and true happiness!