Recently during one of my public health talks, I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Seah Chee Seng, a renowned Singapore plastic surgeon from the Sincere Health Care Group. We had a little pleasant exchange and when I told him that I am from Best World, he said "Oh, Best World. Your company makes very good skincare products. " Curious, I asked: "How did you come to know about this?" .Dr. Seah told me that some of his patients use DRs Secret. He told me that our product has shown remarkably good results in getting rid of melasma, freckles, age spots and other pigmentation problems "safely and without using any medicated ingredient such as tretinoin or hydroquinone."
I was thrilled by this compliment having come from a plastic surgeon who is an expert in facial transformation. I consider this a huge vouch of confidence on our skin care range. It is an assurance that we are responsive to today's changing consumer preferences. Consumers today have more product and service options than anytime in history. They demand product performance in terms of both health and beauty. They want something effective yet safe and simple to use.
I truly appreciate Dr.Seah's inspiring comment. Indeed, DRs Secret is not just an ordinary skin care. Categorized as cosmeceutical, it represents a marriage of my belief in both health and aesthetics, in this case, between cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Like cosmetics, it is topically applied, but it contains active ingredients that influence the biological function of the skin. That is the reason it has the capability to improve appearance by delivering nutrients necessary for healthy skin.
Countless women in Asia and across the world have benefited from our product that is known to dramatically improve skin tone, texture, and radiance. It is a revolutionary skin care that transforms as it restores complexion to a healthy state of youthful glow. I am proud of DRs Secret. State of the art technology, with well-honed artistry, and a strategic knowledge of the marketplace, helped us to develop the full spectrum of this skin care range. The result is a revolutionary product, targeted not only for commercial success, but also to bring solution to people’s problems for them to live happier and better lives.
after so many years..... lies never stop... you need to tell more lies to cover lies